Keeping Hope to Thrive in 2014

Dr. Christian Snyder, author of The Psychology of Hope, breaks down the three mental components of hope are goals, willpower, and waypower. He states that goals are objects, experiences, and outcomes that we imagine and desire. “Willpower is the driving …

Capturing Your Calling

According to a Gallup study 70% of U.S. workers are disengaged in job or careers that mean little to them. Do you know the difference between: · a job, · career, · and a vocation? A job allows for a …

Reflecting Forward: Looking Backwards to Go into the Future

When we take the time to reflect and celebrate, we now position ourselves for the next phase of the journey. It’s what national championship coach, Nik Sabin, calls the 24 hour rule – his players have 24 hours to reflect …

Starting Your Engine to Reach Your Goals and Dreams

Goal setting is the fuel that flames your onward progress. It enables you to achieve your dreams and achieve your resolutions. Don’t let your goals and resolutions fall by the wayside. Chances are that to accomplish your dreams and live …

Influence: Should We Lead by Focusing on the Head or the Heart?

What is influence, anyway? The dictionary defines influence as the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself. We all use influence with our kids, spouses/significant others, students, colleagues, …

The #1 Secret to Engaging Others

The #1 Secret to Engaging Others! Do you want to engage more customers? Do you want to engage and make better connections with your colleagues and/or employees? Do you want to engage more students? Do you want a more engaging …

Secrets to Bouncing Back from Failure

Secrets to Bouncing Back from Failure: Converting Failure Into Success Welcome to America’s Home for Inspiration One of the most common causes of failure is the behavior of quitting when one is hit with temporary defeat. In fact Thomas Edison …

Freedom From or Freedom To: What’s Your Motivation?

“Freedom From” or “Freedom To”: What’s Your Motivation? The Millionaire Client: “I’m very upset. My life is really going down the tubes. I’ve been a millionaire four times. “ At first glance one may ask the question, “how can you …

At-Risk or At-Resilient- Which one are you?

At-Risk or At-Resilient: Which One Will You Be In 2012? What do the terms at-risk and at-resilient (a term coined by Tommy A. Watson) actually mean? I am glad that you asked: At-Risk: describes an individual or groupexpected to surrender …

Are You Living a Life of Meaning and Purpose?

In his book Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl, who survived Nazi concentration camps during World War II, shares that our fundamental drive as human beings is the pursuit of meaning. He goes on to say that, “man’s main concern …